Monitoring and Rebooting in VPS
You can take full advantage of our service with each VPS package we offer you and you can order the Managed Services bundle anytime with no more than a few mouse clicks either when you subscribe or through the billing area. Our system admins will monitor the system processes on your Virtual Private Server not just manually, but also through the use of an advanced automated system, so they shall be alerted the second anything goes wrong - a script that employs too much memory or CPU time, a process that has stopped responding or has gone offline for some reason, etcetera. They shall research the cause of the issue and will reboot your Virtual private server. With this upgrade you are able to save capital for expensive third-party monitoring services that some companies offer, but even if they inform you about an issue, they can't do anything to fix it. Our system admins, on the other hand, have got both the knowledge and the access to do that in no time.
Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Hosting
You can use the Managed Services upgrade with any of our dedicated hosting services and you could include it to your plan with a couple of clicks when you sign up or through the billing Control Panel. Our system admins will activate numerous automated internal checks which will monitor the system processes on your hosting machine and will ensure its uninterrupted operation. If any program consumes too much memory, uses too much processing time and affects your entire hosting machine or has simply stopped responding, our administrator team is going to be informed immediately and will take measures to restore everything within a few minutes. They can find out the cause of the issue and restart the hosting server if this sort of an action is necessary to eliminate a specific issue. If you use our administration services, you will save time and money as you won't need to monitor the dedicated hosting machine yourself or pay to another company which can notify you about an issue, but cannot do anything to fix it.